
Night on Fire (and a free book)

Enthusiasm! Euphoria! Christmas cheer!

And a free book? (More on that in a minute.)

The new Violet Darger novel, Night on Fire, is up for preorder on Amazon now. Grab the heck out of it:

Preorder Night on Fire on Amazon

This is the sixth novel in the Darger series, though the books can be read in any order. It officially comes out on December 28, but if you preorder it, it’ll be right there waiting in that stocking for you as soon as the hour comes. (I’m assuming you keep your Kindle in a stocking like I do.)

Night on Fire on Amazon

We’re pretty fired up about this one. It thrills. It sizzles. It leaps straight for your jugular.

Now we’re going to kick back and pour two tall glasses of Egg Nog to celebr– Oh, wait! There’s more.

Killing Season, the second book in the Darger series, is free through Friday. Holy night!

Killing Season – Free on Amazon

Tell your friends. Tell your mama. Tell your stalker. (Hideous creeps love the Darger series, too.)

And there’s more free Christmas thrillin’ where that came from. Check out a bunch more thriller freebies here:

Dang. Now that stocking of yours is stuffed to the brim.

6 thoughts on “Night on Fire (and a free book)

  1. I absolutely love your books! When will Night On Fire be released to hardback or paperback? I’m not a fan of the kindle, I like the feel of a book in my hand 😊. Thank you!! I look forward to reading this book soon!

  2. Audio Books –
    I’d like to say how much I LOVE the Violet Darger Books.
    As someone who works 10+ hours a day, I go through so many books so quickly LOL. Will there be an audio book version of Into the Abyss and Night on Fire?

    I appreciate all you guys do!

  3. Hi! I LOVE the Violet Darger series! When will book 7 be released? I can’t wait! It would be pretty great to read it during this quarantine!

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