Loshak Attack. (And a bobcat attack.)

Yep. Loshak is back! The next Victor Loshak book is up for preorder on Amazon. You can grapple it here: Take Warning on Amazon This little novella raises the stakes for Loshak and Spinks as they ponder their unfinished business regarding the events in What Lies Beneath. It’s a gamechanger. Grip it and rip it here: Preorder Take Warning on Amazon now! Last week we were confronted with a different kind of beast in our driveway. Not a serial killer, but a family of bobcats — a momma …
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Into the Abyss

Brace yourselves. Violet Darger is back in a new novella, Into the Abyss! Grab it quickly: Into the Abyss on Amazon We’ve got drama. We’ve got suspense. We’ve got Leonard Stump complete with an eyepatch. This novella picks up some story strands from Five Days Post Mortem and The Girl in the Sand and weaves them into a stunning basket. Wait. No basket. Story. It weaves them into a gripping story. This new release officially became our second best launch to date, hitting #140 in the kindle store and #1 in several subcategories, which is …
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