Behold! Rejoice! Yahtzee!
As I cryptically hyped last week, we’ve got something big to unleash, and here she blows.
The second book in the Victor Loshak series, What Lies Beneath, is available on Amazon today. Yeah! Here’s the link:
What Lies Beneath on Amazon
Ready to get thrilled to death? This one’s a doozy.
This thriller was designed to shock, tantilize, stupefy. It’ll get the heart pounding and keep you turning pages deep into the night.
This thing is 50% off for launch week, too, so grab it now:
What Lies Beneath on Amazon
I humbly suggest that this is our twistiest thriller yet. A mind ripper. A brain bludgeoner. I am so excited to unleash this beast upon the world.
I can’t wait to hear what you think.
And now, to celebrate the release, we shall engage in an evening of rowdy symposium and light dance. A gala. A jubilee. A crapulous wing ding.Cheers.
-Tim & LT