A Wolf in the Lonesome November

Huzzah! I wanted to let you know that the Lone Wolf (Loshak #5) audiobook is now available on Audible. Grab it here: Get the Lone Wolf audiobook! Narrator Curt Bonnem brought this one to life — both the funny parts and the suspenseful ones. It twists. It turns. It peels back the skin to reveal the squirmy bits. I recommend giving it a listen. As for us, we’re still working on that mysterious project I kept hinting around about. Slaving over hot keyboards. Dreamweaving and whatnot. Basically, ballin’. I can say this: We’ll have …
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Free as a bird.

Holy beans! Have you been looking for Kindle books priced in the sub-$0.01 range? Well, you’re in luck. Dark Passage (Violet Darger #7) is free on Amazon worldwide through Thursday, May 2nd. Grab it at once: Get Dark Passage for free! Dark Passage is one my favorites, I think. It’s dark, yes, but it is also passege-y. The combined effect is intoxicating, especially if you snort ketamine while you read it. (Ketamine not included.) For real, though, I think this might be the twistiest Darger book. It’s packed to the gills with suspenseful …
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A Daily Deal! (And new Darger audio!)

Heyyyy, Here’s a quick note to let you know two things: 1. The Celebrity Skin audiobook is up now on Audible. Go get it: Get the Celebrity Skin audiobook! As always, Natalie Naudus brought the excitement and suspense in the narration. She’s good. 2. Dead End Girl (Darger #1) is 50% off today in the US and Canada as a Kindle Daily Deal. Grab it if you need it: Tell your friends Dead End Girl is half off today! We’ll have more news very soon.

Celebrity Skin

Excitement! Convulsions! The new Violet Darger novel, Celebrity Skin, is out now! Clack this link and grab it, grab it, grab it: Get Celebrity Skin now in ebook & paperback! Celebrity Skin is the 12th novel in the series, and though these books can be read in any order, we think you’ll enjoy this one more if you’ve read Countdown to Midnight first as the two are connected. Either way, come on in, my friend. The water is fine. Here’s the Amazon description to butter you …
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New Darger for Halloween!

Holy Pumpkins! Violet Darger is back in Lonesome Highway! Grab it on Amazon now: Get Lonesome Highway in ebook or paperback! This is the 11th book in the Violet Darger series, and the novels can be read in any order, so come on in. The water is fine. Ready to get your thrill on? And your chill on? And your Grey Poupon? Well, alright. This thriller was devised to intrigue, deceive, and shock-ulate. It serves up clues, suspects, and twists for the main course. Then it ladles on some jolts for dessert. Want a little …
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