Behind the scenes of Silent Night (Plus Audiobooks)

People are always asking me how author collaborations work, and I always tell ’em the same thing: This is private property, you son of a bitch! Get off my land. Not today. I’ve set aside my shotgun, ordered the snipers on the roof of my compound to stand down, and I mean to answer the collaboration question in earnest. So here it is. A journey into the lair. A look behind the curtain. A peek at what lies beneath this juggalo face paint. I …
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A Brief History of Shadows. (Let us know what you think.)

I wanted to share some relics of the Vargus & McBain past and get your opinion on something, but first, let me say this: The Casting Shadows Everywhere launch is off to an awesome start. We hit numerous #1 spots in the new release charts. Thanks so much to everyone who grabbed a copy. The link is here if you didn’t snag it yet. Get it while it’s 40% off: Casting Shadows Everywhere on Amazon Hilariously enough, the 2019 edition of Casting Shadows Everywhere sold more copies in a day than the original version …
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An interview with E. M. Smith

Meet the newest member of the Vargus/McBain-o-sphere, author E. M. Smith. He co-wrote Beyond Good & Evil and The Good Life Crisis with us, and we plan to launch some more stories together ASAP. But there persists an air of mystery around this guy. What do we really know about him? Is he weird? Let’s find out. Q: People keep asking me about you, and I don’t know what to say to them. So what’s your deal? Pretty much nothing. I’m just this redneck …
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