
Casting Shadows Everywhere (2019 Edition)

Vargus and McBain are back, and we’ve got a new release! Kind of.

We’ve revamped our first novel, Casting Shadows Everywhereand the 2019 edition is up on Amazon now.

Grab it here while it’s 40% off for the re-launch:

Casting Shadows Everywhere on Amazon

If you haven’t read this one yet, it’s a dark psychological thriller and it pretty much put us on the literary map. Here’s what the reviews say:

Casting Shadows Everywhere is beautifully written; a little terrifying, sometimes sad, filled with funny observations on everything from tacos to the workings of the brain, and occasionally profound. In a word, it is ‘excellent.'” –Mike Billington

“Sharp and clever. Catcher in the Rye meets Fight Club.” –Amazon Customer

“All of it weaves together into a compulsive read that is at times horrific, at other times a mystery, and at all times a deep searching of the heart and soul in an effort to understand why in the world we’re on this planet.” –Mary A. Madsen

The Perks of Being a Wall Flower meets American Psycho.” –Brian Ellis

“A disturbingly dark coming of age story that explores idealization, heroism, competition, love, hate, and possession.” –Melanie

“The book is a psychological page-turner, and in many respects reminds me of a very dark Catcher in the Rye.” –Howard Lipman

“There’s an incredible twist along the way that raises the stakes to a new level, followed by another equally amazing twist that unites all the apparently unrelated elements of the story. I can’t tell you more about these twists without spoiling the surprise, but rest assured, they open up profound questions about the interplay between our rational thoughts, our deepest fears and our most secret desires.” –Paul Grieve

“This book touched me, inspired me, and drew me in like nothing else I have read in a very long time. I highly recommend it for what it represented to me. A walk into the dark. And a view of the light at the end of the forest.” –Kindle Customer

“This is a remarkable new voice on the literary scene; the best of what can come from indie writers. Vargus seamlessly weaves genres into one heart-thumping roller coaster ride of a story with cutthroat insight into humanity.” –Mary A. Madsen

“Clever, witty, and sometimes hysterical, Vargus and McBain have created a masterpiece. A modern day Catcher in the Rye.” –Patrick Brown


Dang. That sounds good. Grab it while it’s on sale:

Casting Shadows Everywhere on Amazon

What’s different about the 2019 version? Well, we added about 5,000 words of all-new material, rewrote a few chunks, moved some things around, and got out our trusty scalpels with which we sliced it up pretty good, stabbing all the bad parts until they died. This is the definitive Director’s Cut. All the shadows have finally been cast exactly as we want them, and I’m very pleased with it.

It was actually a lot of fun to go back to this one, like visiting an old friend in the mental hospital. Casting Shadows Everywhere is a unique book. (I could say weird, but I’ll go with unique.) The story both charms and creeps me out. I suppose that makes it a pretty good expression of what I like about fiction and art in general. I’m proud of it.

Thinking back, I believe this book made us the most friends of anything we’ve written. We made a lot of connections back in 2013 and 2014 to many great people we still know and love today. That might be the best endorsement of the book I can share here.

We’re still working on that top secret project I mentioned as well as the various sequels (Darger, Loshak, Scattered). We’ll have more news soon, so keep an eye out.

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