
Four years of Violet Darger! (And some audio stuff.)

Today marks four years since we launched the Violet Darger series, and we’re celebrating with a large cake and a $0.99 sale on Dead End Girl. Grab it now and tell your friends:

Dead End Girl is 99 cents on Amazon

Way back in 2017, we spent our life savings on the launch of Dead End Girl. It went to #3 on the Kindle charts, still sells thousands of copies a month even now, and Violet is only getting started. Success!

I feel like this has taught us all a valuable lesson about yolo-ing your life savings on risky endeavors: You simply cannot lose.

For real, though, thanks for coming along on the Darger ride with us. Grab a slice of cake and try not to crumb up the place. We just had these carpets shampooed.

(I’m kidding. We don’t clean. Crumb away! The dog will think it’s raining snacks.)

We also have a couple of long delayed audiobooks to report on: The Victor Loshak Box Set, and The Scattered and the Dead (Book 3) are both available on Audible now. Grab ’em and listen up.

The Victor Loshak series box set on Audible

The Scattered and the Dead (Book 3) on Audible

OK. That’s all for now. We’ll have more news soon.

-Tim & LT

2 thoughts on “Four years of Violet Darger! (And some audio stuff.)

    1. Hi Erich-
      Our narrator took an unexpected leave of absence, and it took us some time to find a suitable replacement. We are hoping to have Dark Passage available in late spring or summer, and the others to follow. Hopefully at some point we can catch back up.

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