Good news, my dudes. The Vargus/McBain team is back, and we’ve got brand spanking new audiobooks for you to feast your ears upon. Get a load of this:

Beyond Good & Evil on Audible
The first book in the Loshak series is finally available on audio!We welcome Curt Bonnem to the team of narrators we’re working with. He did an awesome job of bringing Loshak and friends to life, and he was in an episode of Criminal Minds back in the day. Give him a listen.

Five Days Post Mortem on Audible
Plus, Violet damn Darger herself is back in audio action with the fifth book in the series, Five Days Post Mortem. It chills. It thrills. It spills Dr. Pepper all over the upholstery of your PT Cruiser. Except not the last one.
We’re really proud of these audiobooks. We believe them to be both excellent and terrific. Point your ears at them and enjoy.
Beyond Good & Evil on Audible
Five Days Post Mortem on Audible
That’s all for now. We’ll have more news soon.
-Tim & LT
P.S. No PT Cruisers were harmed during the production of these audiobooks.